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Origin Query

Sorgu Tamamlanıyor
Horse Name Sex Breed Colour Age Country Sire Dam Owner Owner Trainer HP Last 6 TRace Earnings
COFİLİ (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.3 SEKLAVİ.25 - 667978
JUBULE (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.3 SEKLAVİ.25 - 738097
ALTINAY** (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR GÖKPINAR* SEKLAVİ.25 - 870888
ALTORUN* (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR GÖKPINAR* SEKLAVİ.25 - 27-7447
KORUKLU (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR GÖKPINAR* SEKLAVİ.25 - 966907
MİNE (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR NASİPLİ.41/5889 SEKLAVİ.25 - 629562
NASİPLİ.1 (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR NASİPLİ.41/5889 SEKLAVİ.25 - 000037
NİHAN* (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Bay TUR NASİPLİ.41/5889 SEKLAVİ.25 - 455355
8 records out of 8 are shown
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